Drafting Web Essay

What I Did…

Today I began drafting my web essay using the Writer/Designer analysis questions as a guide. I decided that I was going to break up the essay into four different sections: General Overview & Rhetorical Analysis, Design Choices & Modes of Communication, Affordances & Constraints, and Presentation & Conclusion. I took all of my information that I had compiled through my exploration of Meograph and began to put it into a coherent essay form.

Why I Did It…

I think that breaking the web essay up into different pages is a good way to make it more organized and less overwhelming. I didn’t want to make a separate page for each category because I think that would make the project way to broad and all over the place, so I attempted to combine categories in a way that flows and makes sense and makes the web essay more concise. It was difficult at first to take my basic bullet point notes and turn them into an essay, but once I got into the swing of it it started to come naturally. The one thing that I was afraid of was repeating information in different sections, so I know that I will have to do some extensive editing to ensure that I don’t repeat myself or make the essay too wordy.

My Writer/Designer analysis questions

Navigational Structure: 

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Site Information Page

What I Did…

I created the site information page.

Why I Did It…

I organized the site information page into sections and then detailed the choices that I made or the technology that I used within each section. I choose to divide the site information page into: Purpose, Theme/Typography/Color Scheme, Widgets, Navigation, and Images. I think that these categories cover all aspects of the design and content choices that I made for this website.